xbrlMapper- "Facts": my first attempt to Arelle's Fact-List

Posted on Mon 17 September 2012 in XBRL

I was just thinking that what i can do with my xbrlMapper module, so i thought lets try to make something  like arelle's fact-list(3rd and last image of this post; 'www.arelle.org").

I have extended my present library; added new method "reportGen"; a methods with returns dicts of instance document's facts; and i really love dicts; specially after watching pycon-2010 talk on dict "The Mighty Dictionary".

See the snaps i am uploading to this post. Though the speed of process is fast but i am not satisfied because if it now takes 2.5sec for one xbrl package then how much time it will take for 20,000 xbrl packages!!!!

You know when i have started working on this , it has taken 71 seconds in first attempt(in evening of day one), it was like i am in stone-age  #\$@#\^@%#&.
So i have decided to improve it, then 25 sec, 20 sec(7 PM.. .of day one) then 35 sec- 40 sec(11 PM.. day 1).. .lollzz.. that evening was very funny, all time it was moving around 30 seconds!!! and then suddenly 9.5 sec(at 00:30AM of day2), and then 4.5 sec(aaa...5:30AM day 2), then finally its near 2-2.5 sec(..day 2..7:30AM.. then i left it because i have to go to my office), but my intuition is telling me that we can reduce it even further.

[gallery link="file" columns="2"]

Here in fist image; its snap-shot of Arelle's fact-list, in second  shows amount of python code i have to write to achieve this, and finally in last image... final output, its a sqlite db view in firefox plugin.